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Russian Courses

An introduction to Kazakh language and culture, emphasizing oral and cultural proficiency and reading comprehension. Taught through the use of vocabulary in simulated settings, repetition drills, and frequent use of vocabulary, acting, and reading aloud. Augmented by reading and grammatical…
Fundamentals of Russian grammar, conversation, pronunciation, and reading, with an emphasis on oral proficiency and comprehension.Not open to students with credit in RUSS 1011 
RUSS 1002 is a continuation of RUSS 1001. By the end of this course you will have been exposed to all of the fundamental grammatical structures of Russian and you should have an active vocabulary of about 1000 words, which will allow you to communicate on a range of everyday topics. Satisfies Core…
In the Russian Flagship curriculum, RUSS 1011 is the first in a two-part intensive introductory course in modern Russian language and culture. This accelerated course covers the fundamentals of Russian grammar, conversation, pronunciation, and reading, with an emphasis on oral proficiency and…
In the Russian Flagship certificate curriculum, RUSS 1012  is the second in a two-part intensive introductory course in modern Russian language and culture. This course continues to further develop students’ competence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, with a persistent focus on…
This course reviews and builds upon the basic grammar and vocabulary acquired in RUSS 1001-1002. It is designed to help students improve their comprehension of written and spoken Russian; acquire greater competence in communicating their ideas in Russian; achieve greater facility and accuracy in…
Designed to improve students’ proficiency in spoken Russian. This course will reinforce topics, grammatical structures, and vocabulary covered in Intermediate Russian I.
Designed to improve students' proficiency in spoken Russian. This course will reinforce topics, grammatical structures, and vocabulary covered in Intermediate Russian II.
This course is a continuation of RUSS 2001. It is designed to help students improve their comprehension of written and spoken Russian; acquire greater competence in communicating their ideas in Russian; achieve greater facility and accuracy in the use of common grammatical structures; and expand…
Instruction in grammar, development of reading comprehension, and practice in composition for speakers of Russian who have had little or no formal instruction in reading or writing the language.  Not open to students with credit in RUSS 1001, RUSS 1002 or RUSS 2001 or RUSS 2002 or RUSS 3001…
Part one of a two-part intensive intermediate course in Russian language and culture. This course continues to enhance students’ competence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Russian, with a persistent focus on proficiency-oriented instruction and assessment.
Part two of a two-part intensive intermediate course in modern Russian and Russian culture, with an introduction to the subfields of professional Russian. This course continues to further develop students’ competence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Russian, with a persistent focus on…
Russian culture in the twentieth century. Examines both high culture (literature, art, architecture, classical music) and low or popular culture (film, popular music, various aspects of daily life) within the framework of the historical and political development of the period. No knowledge of…
This course is designed to enhance and consolidate students' competence in the four language skill areas (speaking, reading, writing, and listening). The focus is on the comprehension of written texts and oral conversations, writing essays and learning more about contemporary Russian culture. On a…
This course is the continuation of RUSS 3001. It is designed to enhance and consolidate students' competence in the four language skill areas (speaking, reading, writing, and listening). The focus is on the comprehension of written texts and oral conversations, writing essays and learning more…
This intensive course is designed to enhance and consolidate students' competence in the four language skill areas (speaking, reading, writing, and listening). The focus is on the comprehension of written texts and oral conversations, writing essays and learning more about contemporary Russian…
Part two of an intensive course further developing students’ competence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Focus on proficiency-oriented instruction and assessment. Engagement with texts from a variety of genres designed to enhance command of vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, including…
In this course you will analyze different genres of Russian texts and some of the cultural, sociolinguistic, grammatical, and stylistic issues involved in translation. You will improve your ability to understand and interpret a wide variety of Russian texts. You will learn about different stylistic…
Interpretations of Russian fairy tales within the frameworks of four different approaches: structuralism, psychoanalysis, socio- politics, and feminism. Analyses of Russian fairy tales’ structure and images. Their significance for Russian literature, art, music, and cinema. 
Explores themes of madness, desire, and death in Russian literature and the arts, focusing on the 19th century. Study of masterpieces by Russian writers (Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov), as well as non-fictional documents, such as Russian medical, judicial, and philosophical…
Russian culture from the period of Kievan Rus' to the 1917 Revolution. Designed to increase the student's proficiency in all language skills and to build vocabulary. Conducted in Russian. 
A survey of the major periods, genres, and directors of the extensive Russian and Soviet cinematographic heritage, with particular attention to the immediate influence of historical, political, and cultural developments, questions of cultural identity, and the making of a national tradition.…
Dostoevsky's prose was called “the cocaine and morphia of modern literature.”  In this class we undertake the exhilarating task of reading Dostoevsky’s most intense novels:  Notes from the Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and The Brothers Karamazov.  Our goal in…
Explores development of Russian history and culture focusing on 19th-century Russian novel. Study of masterpieces by Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Leskov, Tolstoy, as well as their cultural, historical, and philosophic context. Exploration of Russian literature as central…
An introduction to important aspects of modern Russian society and culture, including popular culture and everyday life. Students will read a variety of texts, including scholarly works, newspaper articles, fiction, and historical accounts. The class is conducted in English and requires no prior…
This course is designed for the intermediate-high to the advanced-level students who study Russian. The course is content-based and covers several areas where global professionals regularly have to communicate in Russian. A multi-disciplinary approach, adopted in this course, gives students an…
Part two of an intensive course developing competence in Russian for specific purposes. Engagement with professional materials (lectures, texts, and videos) from a variety of academic subfields to enhance command of lexicon and discourse in a range of professions. Students read, discuss, and…
Independent study and research under the direction of individual faculty members. Repeatable for a maximum of 6 hours of credit. In order to register for this course, students must devise a program of study in consultation with a faculty member and complete a form available in the Germanic…
Designed to improve students' proficiency in spoken Russian. This course is intended to be taken concurrently with another upper-division Russian course, allowing students the opportunity to read and discuss texts in the original language (for courses taught in English) or to provide additional…
Advanced language study, combining instruction in grammar, composition, and stylistics with practice in spoken Russian. (Currently offered only on the UGA Study Abroad in Russia program.) Satisfies Core Area IV (World Languages and Culture).
Advanced study of Russian on professional topics, including reading, composition, extended monologic and dialogic speech, and cultural competence pertaining to the use of Russian and communicating with Russian speakers globally on a range of professional topics. 
Close reading of Leo Tolstoy's greatest novels, "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina." Screening and discussion of film adaptations. All readings and discussions in English. All films in English or with English subtitles. No prerequisites. 
A discussion-oriented survey of the author's literary accomplishments and uniquely multicultural life, from aristocratic Russian childhood to the  impoverishment of European exile and eventual success as an American college professor, butterfly collector and Hollywood screenwriter.  Poems…
The cultural context, lives, and works of nineteenth-century Russia's greatest novelists. Close reading of two panoramic masterpieces, "War and Peace" and "The Idiot," interspersed with selected autobiographical writings and short stories. All readings and discussion in English. Film adaptations…
An overview of Pushkin's life and oeuvre, with study of works from each major period of artistic creativity: the Lyceum, the period in St. Petersburg, exile in the South and in Mikhailovskoe, his marriage and last years. Readings include selected poetry from all periods, Eugene Onegin, and "The…
In the nineteenth century, Russia witnessed an unprecedented explosion of literary and intellectual activity, a renaissance which yielded some of the greatest masterpieces world literature has seen. In our course we will read short stories and poems that became part of Russian literary canon. Our…
Representative works in the original language. Conducted in Russian. 
Representative works in the original language. Conducted in Russian. Satisfies the Franklin College Literature requirement.
In this course we will explore the relationship between Chekhov-the-prose-writer and Chekhov-the-drama-writer by reading a selection from his prose and dramatic works. Toward the end of the semester, students will choose a selection of Chekhov stories, writing scripts and performing them together.…
A survey of representative works in contemporary Russian literature, art, and cinema. Discussion of key literary and artistic movements. The political significance of contemporary Russian literature, art, and cinema and the relationship between art and political institutions. Taught in Russian.…
Advanced language study, combining instruction in grammar, composition, and stylistics with practice in spoken Russian. 
Survey of major trends in modern Russian society and culture. Discussion of key notions and beliefs that shape these trends. Comparison and analysis of Russians’ worldviews and self- perceptions. The course provides an overview of the political and social dynamics of modern Russia, combined with…
This advanced Russian course examines the evolving landscape of contemporary language and digital culture in Russia and beyond. Through the study of social media, memes, subcultures, and street art, students will explore how language is shaped by digital communication, protest movements, and…
Part one of a seminar engaging students in content-based disciplinary study in field of major in Russian. Students work with academic lectures, texts, and videos on advanced topics. Under direction of the instructor, students deliver professional presentations, analyze and discuss texts…
Part two of a seminar engaging students in content-based disciplinary study in field of major in Russian. Students work with academic lectures, texts, and videos on advanced topics. Under direction of the instructor, students deliver professional presentations, analyze and discuss texts…
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.This course belongs to a…
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.These courses belong to a…
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.These courses belong to a…
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data. Students will write or produce a thesis or other professional capstone product, such as a report or…
Individual study, reading, or projects in Russian literature under the supervision of a project director. Repeatable for a maximum of 9 hours of credit.
Individual study, reading, or projects in Russian and Slavic linguistics under the supervision of a project director.

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