Unsure if German is right for you and your career?
Regardless of the path you will take in life, learning German can enrich you both personally and professionally so that you can find success in any industry or discipline throughout your lifetime. Keep reading for why you could benefit from learning the German language.
business & industry
The U.S. and Germany have long had a close economic and political relationship as two powerhouse nations of the Western economies.
- Out of in-sourced jobs in the US, German businesses accounted for over 10%.
- Germany has consistently been one of the top 5 foreign investors in the United States.
- In the US, surveys show that most companies would choose a job candidate with German literacy over an equally qualified candidate.
- As of 2020, Germany was among the top 3 exporters of goods and services in the world.
For a prospective young industry professional, whether wishing to stay in the US or go abroad, a proficiency in German could enable you to become an indispensable asset to a multinational employer pursuing close business relations with the European Union, particularly in Central and Eastern European countries.
fine arts and culture
Germany has a known reputation as a great cultural nation. For any art, from classical music and high art to folk crafts and film, Germany can boast an impressive pedigree of famous names and well-worshipped pieces of cultural importance.
- 130 professional orchestras, or close to a quarter of all professional orchestras worldwide, are based in Germany.
- Germany hosts 140 state and city theaters, either publicly run or independently produced.
- 7,200 museums and galleries can be found across Germany's landscape, both in cities and in rural areas.
- 3,000 cultural preservation projects instigated by German institutions are currently ongoing.
For students wishing to explore the creative industry, Germany can offer great potential. Cultural endeavors are funded regionally, supporting many more opportunities for funding. Particularly in the fields of digital media, television, and news periodicals, there is plenty of opportunity for American students to pursue creative dreams abroad.
Independence and diversity in art are valued and encouraged in Germany.
green energy
If your dream is to combat the current climate crisis facing the world, look no further than Germany for your opportunity to do just that. Speaking to the World Economic forum in January 2023, Federal Chancellor Scholtz emphasized that "the future belongs solely to renewables."
- Around 200,000 people in Germany currently work in the sustainable energy industry.
- In 2021, over 40% of the electricity in Germany was already generated from wind, sun, water or biomass.
Germany is endeavoring to be a climate-neutral industrial superpower by 2045, a goal that is further motivated by the energy crisis faced by Germany due to the Russian war in Ukraine. As Germany is still behind their 2030 target, they will require further support from industry professionals and skilled laborers to achieve their goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and hosting a fully sustainable economy.
[There is a] broad consensus between [German] businesses, employees, and politics that the path to climate neutrality is not just ecologically necessary but also offers new opportunities in global competition.
Part of the reason behind Germany's success in the worldwide economy can be attributed to a two-fold approach of German businesses: the welcome addition of skilled immigrants to the workforce, and a constant investment in invention and innovation.
- In 2020, via the Skilled Immigration Act, Germany expanded the framework by which skilled professionals from countries outside the EU can immigrate to Germany for work.
- Skilled workers must have some German language ability in order to pursue work under the Act.
- The total number of positive decisions on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications rose from 7,980 in 2012 to 36,696 in 2020. 53.8% of these professionals even achieved full equivalence.
- The proportion of immigrants aged 25 to 65 with an academic degree rose from 2005 to 2016 to an extent that it was nearly the same share as that of the total population in Germany in the same age range.
- According to a 2016 study, nearly one in 10 patent applications in Germany were filed by inventors with a non-German background.
Germany's welcoming attitude toward an immigrant workforce is directly tied with their culture of innovation. Germany recognizes that specialized migrant workers will feed international competitiveness in innovative strength.
education & research
In order to support constant invention and innovation, Germany also works to support researchers in a variety of fields.
- In 2016, around 46,000 international scientists had chosen to work in German research institutions.
- Germany has the 4th highest expenditure on research and development in OECD countries as of 2019.
- Nearly 107 billion euros were invested in research by German institutions and businesses in 2020.
Obtaining employment at a higher education institution, becoming a guest lecturer at a German university, or finding work with the research and development sector of a business or institution are all highly viable opportunities of advancing your research career in Germany.
The industries most eager for research professionals include: chemistry, research & development, pharmaceutics, financial analysis, architecture & engineering, and energy & electrical engineering.
Are you close to finishing your degree, wanting to learn more but also earn professional experience? Germany is recognized globally for its vocational training opportunities.
- Young talent is in high demand and often low supply. In September 2022, there were 70,000 vocational positions that were left unfilled.
- Vocational training is paid in Germany.
- Vocational training can often lead to a job offer from the training company. Upon completion of vocational training programs, two-thirds of trainees receive a permanent offer of employment from their training company.
Learn more about requirements, Visa obtainment, and other information on vocational training in Germany here.
professions in demand
Click on the links to get more information on Germany's most sought-after professionals.
Green Jobs Nursing Professionals Physicians
Engineers Scientists IT Specialists Craftspeople