The University of Georgia is proud to have been selected to serve as an academic home to the Russian Flagship Program, a federally-funded security languages initiative. This federally-sponsored initiative provides undergraduate students of any major the language skills, mentoring, and intercultural competence in Russian by graduation. Flagship students experience study abroad, cultural activities, and professional internships, and earn prestigious Flagship certification. If you are interested in joining the next cohort, contact Dr. Sofia Ivanova to secure your spot in RUSS1011 before the start of the term. Students from all majors can be part of this academic cohort. Contact Sofia Ivanova at Learn more. Open to undergraduate students from all majors Students earn a Flagship Certification, highly regarded by employers One of only eight Russian Flagship programs in the U.S. Intensive Russian language coursework, personalized tutoring Overseas Capstone Year Abroad -- study and career-focused internship in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Eight-week summer study abroad with generous Flagship scholarships Part of a cohort of a highly-motivated peers with high quality social and professional development View more about Program