The Russian minor requires 15 hours of coursework (5 courses). It is designed to allow students to achieve a significant level of proficiency in Russian and insight into Russian culture as a secondary area of concentration in addition to their major. Courses used to satisfy Core Areas I-V or requirements for the student's major may not be used simultaneously to satisfy requirements for the minor. Requirements Two required courses (6 hours): RUSS 2002 Intermediate Russian II RUSS 3011 Russian Conversation and Composition I Plus three 3000/4000-level RUSS electives (9 hours) Students who place higher than RUSS 2002 or RUSS 3001 upon admission to the university must complete a total of 15 hours of upper-division RUSS coursework for the minor. Special Requirements All courses used to satisfy the minor requirements must be passed with a grade of C or better. At least 9 of the 15 semester hours required for the minor must be earned in residence. Students may receive resident credit for University-sponsored study abroad programs for which course registration and fee payment are effected through the University. Students participating in other study abroad programs must petition to transfer credits. For more information or for questions regarding specific requirements, please contact Cecilia Reynolds.