Image: First Year Odyssey Seminar classes meet once a week in a small setting to explore ideas and interests around a topic. Did you know that all incoming freshmen are required to sign up for one First Year Odyssey Seminar (FYOS)? You meet once a week to engage with faculty and other first-year students in a small class environment and learn about the unique academic culture the University offers. Faculty will share their passion for research, teaching, and service as you begin your academic journey at UGA. And you can explore interests that may be completely new to you. This fall, Germanic & Slavic Studies will offer five FYOS choices: 4 with German topics, and 1 Russian topic, all taught in English. Contemporary German Cinema and Multi-ethnic Germany - Dr. Berna Gueneli Yoopers and Trolls: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Michigan's Upper Peninsula - Dr. Joshua Bousquette The Berlin Wall in History and the Imagination - Dr. Brigitte Rossbacher Germanic Heroic Epic and the Nibelungenlied - Dr. Alex Sager The Novel and the Moral Life: Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" - Dr. Sasha Spektor While you're at UGA Orientation, come say hello!.Stop by Joe Brown Hall (room 201). We're at the edge of beautiful North Campus just up the hill from the Tate Center. And we have a water bottle filling station! Tags: "UGA Orientation", "First Year Odyssey Seminar", German, Russian, Dostoevsky